
Gae Broadwater

Kentucky State University Cooperative Ext Program, Frankfort KY

President Goals

Overarching Goals:

  • Improve the lives of girls and women in Kentucky
  • Increase membership and participation

Focus Goals:

  • Conduct state board and other meetings
  • Increase statewide engagement and collaboration
  • Increase statewide communication
  • Support advocacy & public policy
  • Increase diversity
  • Tell our story to the wider public

Details of Focus Goals:

Conduct state board and other meetings

  • I’d like to meet with branches at least once on Zoom as well.

Increase statewide engagement and collaboration

  • Meet our Members – a brief spotlight on our members across the state. This will be on the website and in the newsletter.
  • Highlight several members each month. We all have our reasons for joining AAUW and we are all doing wonderful things for AAUW and in oiur lives. Relationships among AAUW members are the best!

Increase statewide communication

  • We’ll continue with the newsletter in electronic format, which will be sent to branch presidents for distribution, and posted on this website and our state Facebook page.
  • My hope is that each branch energizes their Facebook page:
  • Revitalize our website–we now have an experienced web manager who can provide consistent and timely updating.
  • Support advocacy & public policy.
  • Increase diversity.
    • Seeking someone who wants to serve as chair of of Diversity and Inclusion committee to help us with this goal.
  • Tell our story to the wider public.
    • We need to publicize the great things we are doing across the state. Each branch offers wonderful programming and support to women and girls in their communities. Just as we share among ourselves, the community at large needs to know.
  • Increase membership.
    • Recruit young women.
    • Recruit college/university participation.